In the history of humanity, almost everything we've ever achieved has been done by groups working together. Like a hive of bees, or a flock of birds, our social and interconnected brains are designed to function best together. This is collective intelligence: the way in which many people come together to share their knowledge, data and skills to solve huge problems. These problems are too big and complicated for one person to tackle, or even one organisation. But with revolutionary advances in technology and AI, we now have the ability to share our wisdom and knowledge much further than ever…
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In the history of humanity, almost everything we've ever achieved has been done by groups working together. Like a hive of bees, or a flock of birds, our social and interconnected brains are designed to function best together.
This is collective intelligence: the way in which many people come together to share their knowledge, data and skills to solve huge problems. These problems are too big and complicated for one person to tackle, or even one organisation. But with revolutionary advances in technology and AI, we now have the ability to share our wisdom and knowledge much further than ever before.
In Joined-Up Thinking neuroscientist Dr Hannah Critchlow provides an invaluable guide to our future through the evolving new science of collective intelligence. She reveals what it says about us as human beings, shares compelling examples and stories, and shows how we can work intelligently and collectively in our lives to improve our wellbeing and our prospects.
Designer: Jamie Keenan
Size: 130x196mm
Pages: 368
Publication: 2023
Binding: Softbound book